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Why does it say contact_name-DELETED ACCOUNT?

This may be visible on the Contacts screen or when viewing a secret.

It means that the contact has completely deleted their account and the system no longer has any record of them. It is no longer possible for the SecretShield app to communicate with them.

What should I do if a Guardian for my secret is listed as "...-DELETED ACCOUNT"?

In this case, the shares assigned to that Guardian will never be available again. It may be best to (re)save ("clone") the secret to a new set of Guardians to ensure you can recover the secret when needed.

A secret can be cloned if either a "local" copy exists or if it is available as "recovered" as displayed on the SecretShield home dashboard. Tap "local" or "recovered" which will open the secret, then tap clone, assign the new set of guardians, trustees, etc., and save. After the save is successful, you can optionally delete the old copy of the secret.