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Recovery a of Secret

Step 1: Request Recovery

Now that you have a secret saved, let’s try recovering it.

  1. Visit the “Home” tab within the SecretShield app.

SecretShield Home Screenshot

  1. Select “Request Recovery” using the button found in the middle of the screen.

SecretShield Home Screenshot

  1. Under “Request Recovery,” select the secret that you want to recover.

SecretShield Request Recovery Screenshot

  1. Next, type a message to let your contacts know why you are requesting recovery.

SecretShield Request Recovery Screenshot

  1. Finally, press the “Send Recovery Request” button found at the bottom of the screen.

SecretShield Request Recovery Screenshot

  1. Returning to the “Home” screen, you should now an indicator showing that recovery has been “Requested”

SecretShield Home Screenshot

Step 2: Guardians Approve Recovery

Now let’s look at what guardians see when recovery is requested.

  1. On the “Home” tab within the app, we can now see we have an “Active Request” and can select “Take Action”.

SecretShield Home Screenshot

  1. Selecting “Take Action” we can now see the message accompanying the Recovery Request. If the request appears valid, select “Approve”.

SecretShield Home Screenshot


SecretShield only stores your data on your device without a backup. This means, if your phone gets run over by a car, you cannot recover SecretShield by downloading the app on a new device. You must recover your backup to restore the configuration of your Secrets, Guardians, and Trustees.

Make sure you Create Backups in case anything happens to your device.